Natural Body Detox: Top 7 Detox Diet Recommendations for Weight Loss

Have you been feeling run down or sluggish lately? Have you been putting on extra pounds without realizing it? Don’t stress – this is completely normal for a busy individual. The everyday stresses of working in a bustling city, paired with unhealthy lifestyle habits, can lead to toxin accumulation in the body, which in turn affects your overall health and well-being.
If you want to take steps to combat this problem and lead a healthier lifestyle, you can try a natural body detox to effectively eliminate toxins from the body. Read on to discover 7 natural detox foods and diet recommendations which can help you detoxify and promote weight loss.
How To Detoxify Naturally: 7 Detox Methods
Try these natural detox foods and methods to help cleanse your body and improve your health.
Drink Warm Lemon Water First Thing in the Morning
Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and contain rich nutrients like potassium and pectin fiber. All these nutrients play a part in boosting immunity, enhancing enzyme activity, stimulating the liver, and promoting detoxification. When paired with warm water, this has multiple health benefits. Warm foods and liquids aid digestion and reduce toxin accumulation far better than cold foods and drinks. Drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning can help your stomach and intestines digest food from the previous evening, clearing up your digestive tract and hydrating you for the day ahead.
Eat Oatmeal for Breakfast
Choosing a healthy breakfast like oatmeal can promote gut health and provide an efficient way to detoxify. Oatmeal is rich in vitamin E, which protects cells from aging and reduces toxin accumulation. This naturally fiber-rich food also promotes healthy bowel movements, prevents constipation, and lowers cholesterol levels. Homemade oatmeal is the healthiest option, as you can control the type of milk and toppings that go into it, such as fresh fruit, for a flavorful health boost.
Swap Rice for Sweet Potatoes
The body needs starch for energy, and sweet potatoes provide an excellent starch alternative to rice. Rice lacks the nutrients and fiber found in sweet potatoes, which are rich in vitamin A, beta-carotene, and neurosine. All these components can absorb toxic substances found in other foods and quickly remove them from the body, helping you detoxify naturally. The abundant dietary fiber in sweet potatoes also promotes bowel movement, clearing out waste and restoring your gut health.
Add Kelp to Soups
If you like drinking soup, kelp is a natural detox ingredient you should add to your recipes. Kelp is rich in soluble fiber, which absorbs toxins and aid in the detoxification process. It also contains essential amino acids that can reduce the levels of heavy metal toxins like mercury and cadmium in the body. Another fantastic benefit of kelp is its production of algin, a complex carbohydrate that helps remove excess cholesterol and aids in weight loss.
Eat More Fruits (Especially Apples!)
Fruits are an effective and delicious way to detoxify naturally. They are rich in dietary fiber, promoting bowel movement, relieving constipation, and improving overall gut health. Apples are a particularly good option to add to your detox diet as they contain quercetin, a pigment found in the skins and leaves of plants that offers numerous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits such as protecting cardiovascular health, promoting diuresis, and removing toxins – so make sure you eat your apples with the skin on.
Consume More Black Fungus
Another tasty natural detox food you can add to your diet is black fungus. This edible wild mushroom is rich in plant gum, which can absorb water and metabolic waste produced by the small intestine, promoting detoxification in the body. Black fungus is also thought to enhance your immune response and have the ability to clear the lungs, which makes this food an excellent choice for urbanites living in crowded and polluted environments.
Take Probiotics
Probiotics are commonly associated with a range of health benefits, some of which include promoting intestinal bacterial balance, maintaining gut health, enhancing immunity, and promoting healthy bowel movements – all of which aid in detoxification. To consume probiotics naturally, you can eat fermented foods such as kimchi, cheese, miso, and natto. Making these probiotic-rich foods a part of your diet can greatly increase your body's ability to detoxify. If you want to ensure you’re ingesting sufficient probiotics, you can also take probiotic supplements. For more information on probiotics and their many benefits, take a look at this article: Probiotics supplements: types, benefits & use.
Natural Detox Method – Recommended Global Healing Safe & Natural Intestinal Cleanser
For a natural solution that provides ultimate detoxification, you can try Global Healing’s Oxy-Powder. Containing ozone-oxygenated magnesium and citric acid, this formula gently cleanses the impurities in your colon and intestines, promotes digestion, and relieves gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, constipation, and indigestion. All its ingredients are clinically proven to be safe and effective and come in the form of easy-to-take pills that work while you sleep.
We recommend taking 4 capsules with a full glass of water before going to bed. If you do not have 2-3 bowel movements the following day, take 2 more capsules the following night until you can achieve this. Take this serving 2 to 3 times weekly or as desired. You can also add fresh lemon juice to your water to enhance the effects of detoxification.
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5 Things To Know Before Buying Probiotic Supplements (Advice from the Consumer Council)
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