5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity NOW!

A man and woman with their dog in a natural green environment.




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以下是Global Healing關於維持强健免疫力的5個最佳貼士!另外5個也在我們的免疫指南中有分享。詳情如下!



當你談論關於提升或增強免疫系統時,我的第一個貼士就是要平衡你的腸道微生物群!研究顯示:免疫系統較弱的那些研究對象,總是與腸漏症有關。所以Global Healing的建議是定期保持腸道清潔。我每週使用幾次加寶康淨腸排毒配方並定期儲備。Oxy-Powder 是一種利用氧氣潔净腸道的天然清潔劑。



你知道有益細菌在腸道中占據了你免疫系統的70%?這就是益生菌為何那麼重要。Global Healing推薦2款益生菌給你,它們分別是專利益生菌 and 長效活性益生菌如果是流感季節或類似情況,我們建議你服用標籤劑量的兩倍。




Apple cider vinegar has enzymes in it which help decrease the ability for any type of harmful organism to replicate. Enzymes are really important because they break down that outside shell of a lot of harmful organisms.

What I do is I mix about a teaspoon or a capful of organic apple cider vinegar in 12 ounces of water or whatever I'm drinking. Just make sure that you're drinking pure clean water — such as distilled water or natural spring water — and try to avoid any type of tap water because that's going to be full of chemicals and that can actually decrease your immune system health.

4. Nascent Iodine

Number four is one of my favorite ways to boost the immune system. This not only boosts the immune system but is also something I feel everybody is deficient in — iodine.

Every single cell in our body relies on iodine. We are, as a culture, severely deficient in this beneficial nutrient. Actually, one of the reasons why is because of the other halogens, such as bromide, fluoride, and chloride. Bromide and fluoride are going to be the two main toxic halogens that we have an accumulation of and that should be detoxified.

Iodine will purify water. Iodine will kill off harmful organisms inside the body. As a matter of fact, it's one of the only things in the world that bacteria, viruses, fungus, and mycoplasma cannot develop a resistance to. So, it's really important to have a really good iodine supplement to take on a regular basis, or in times of an emergency where you want to strengthen your immune system extremely fast. For that, I would personally take about two dropperfuls a day of 有機碘, which is the nascent form of iodine. It's really effective at boosting your immune system, cleansing out a lot of chemicals and toxicity, and it's very safe to take and there are no side effects associated with it, either.

5. Turmeric

Lastly, number five is one of my favorite Indian spices, turmeric. Turmeric has been known to work as an anti-inflammatory, as an adaptogen, as an immune-boosting supplement. It's been around and studied for thousands of years. You can pull up all the research. What I like about turmeric is it has the active ingredient of curcumin or curcuminoids in it. It's very high in antioxidant capacity.

If you look at the clinical research and the studies behind turmeric as it works for the immune system, curcumin supports T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells. Those are going to be the cells that are going to attack any type of viruses, bacteria, or any other harmful organisms within your system.

Now I like turmeric with black pepper in there. I like to take a really high-quality supplement. The Raw Herbal Extract™ Turmeric that we developed is the one I take. However, there are many different types of turmeric out there that you can take. It just should be a staple for your immune-strengthening protocol that you're using.

Now, that is my five. However, there are a lot more ways to strengthen your immune system and I have more tips and strategies that I didn't cover here.

I have one secret strategy that can literally regenerate your immune system and create new immune stem cells in 72 hours. You can find that one secret tip and the bonus in our free Immune Strengthening Guide.

A couple of other tips real fast. If you're in an emergency situation or if you want to strengthen your immune system, don’t forget to go outside, go in nature, reduce your stress levels, and try to get some extra sleep. You have the power to heal yourself. Live healthy and live happy!

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.